I have been off adventuring again.
Look God and Goddess gave me an A! They WANT me to travel. This time I went to visit friends in Berlin Germany and Firenze Italy. (that's Florence to you and me) I also had a stop in Brussels. I was invited to spend some time hanging with Mariana in Germany, and Beatrice and Francesco in Italy where we were joined by friends Stephy and Paul from England.
This was a 12 day trip loaded with fun and friends. Aw isn't that nice....the heck with nice this trip rocked. Berlin is outragious good fun. I really had no idea. Florence was amazing , just like I left it. I want to thank everyone for treating me like family or even better...depending...I had dinner atop a radio tower, spent a day in the mountains, ate some wonderful foods and met some new and fab people.
that is all i have to say bout that.
Look this might take a couple days to get switched over. I have a lot of photos to edit.
Where am I?
May 19 - Left for Germany via Chicago and Brussels, it was a long flight but not bad at all really.
May 24 - Took a night train to Firenze. This was a great schedule, first I went to Munich (Munchan in german I think) so I got to see a lot of the country side before settling into the night train for the over night to italy. There was a small snag inthat we went thru a country not accounted for in my rail pass but they blew it offsince I was not getting off.
May 29 - Flight to Brussels where I had an over night layover. hey oppertunity to check out and yet another place before heading home.
May 30 - Flight home via Chicago can you say FLIGHT DELAYS? I still got home on time tho so it was all good.
These are friends I have met thru Highlander World Wide. I was glad i did this since I thought I would see them in October in Vancouver but it looks like none of them will make it. Highlander in italian.....sweet!
As always if you are on the page and really do not want to be or would like something added. send me an email and if I can do it without taking out the page (still learning HTML) I will do it. Oh and please sign the flippin guest book, I love that.